Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Ban On Tobacco Advertising - 987 Words

On Feb 6, 2001, Government of India announced a bill banning Tobacco Companies from advertising their products and sponsoring sports and cultural events. The objective was to discourage adolescents from consuming tobacco products and also arm the Government with powers to launch an anti-Tobacco Program. Summarize the arguments for the ban on tobacco advertising in India. Advocates of free choice opposed to these prohibitions, saying these amounted to unwarranted intrusion by the state into the private lives of its citizens. Supporters stay countries like France, Finland, and Norway had already imposed similar bans. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco accounted for over 3 million deaths in 1990, the figure rising to 4.023 million deaths in 1998. It was estimated that tobacco-related deaths would increase to 8.4 million in 2020 and 10 million in about 2030. However, a study on tobacco consumption and employment showed that effective policies to reduce smoking were likely to increase, and not decrease employment. The reason for this was that when people stopped smoking, the money did not disappear from the economy. It was spent on other goods and services, which the study showed, were more labor intensive. A World Bank report had pointed out that policymakers who wanted to control tobacco should be aware of the fact that bans on advertising and promotion would prove effective, only if they were comprehensive covering all media and all uses of brandShow MoreRelatedThe Ban Of The Tobacco Advertising1084 Words   |  5 Pageswhen looking at the Indian Government’s deliberation over tobacco marketing and the usage of tobacco impacting their economy and population. The Government of India proposed bans on tobacco advertising leading to arguments for and against, it is however important to analyze both sides those in favor an those against, and any conflicts of interest that may be involved. Taking a closer look at those in favor of the tobacco advertising bans there are several factors to be considered. The GovernmentRead MoreThe Tobacco Advertising Ban951 Words   |  4 PagesSome of the arguments which support the placing of the tobacco advertising ban in India are:  · Some might feel that people’s freedom of choice is being affected by this ban imposed by the government but it could also be argued the state should be able to intervene in a situation where its subordinates’ health is at risk, just like a father looks after his underage baby who is not aware of what is good or harmful for him. The country’s government would be doing what is best for its citizensRead MoreBan On Advertising For Tobacco Smoking901 Words   |  4 Pagesregards to a ban on advertising for tobacco smoking. On Feb 6, 2001, the Government of India announced they would impose a ban on advertising for tobacco smoking. Healthcare reports identified smoking tobacco was the leading cause of preventable deaths. Smoking tobacco caused cancer, lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The increase in illness and death related to tobacco smoking prompted the Indian Government to propose a ban o f all formsRead MoreThe Ban of Tobacco Advertising in India757 Words   |  3 Pages(GOI) announces a bill about banning Tobacco companies from advertising their product and sponsoring sport and cultural events. The bill mission is to reduce consumption of tobacco products. This paper is based on information provided by the case study and is divided into four section. The first section summarizes arguments in favor of the ban on tobacco advertising in India. The second section summarizes arguments in opposition of the ban on tobacco advertising in Indian. The third sections discussRead MoreThe Ban Of Tobacco Product Advertising947 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction The topic of marketing, tobacco, and ethics is a fantastic topic to stimulate conversations on ethics in general. In 2001 India considered the banning of tobacco product advertising which led to a huge debate in ethics, marketing and the role of government. The many deaths and lives touched negatively by tobacco while corporate entities have gotten rich is a battle ground rich with examples and research. I personally am an ex-smoker and smoked for over 15 years of my life before IRead MoreThe Ban On Advertising Tobacco Products885 Words   |  4 PagesThe ban put on advertising tobacco products in India has caused a lot of debates. Some say it violates the constitution, others say it saves lives. Each side sets a valid argument, but which side is right? These bans do not only exist in India. They have been put into action in many different countries as well. Tobacco use kills 5.4 million people a year, averaging at about half of all smokers. (W.H.O.-Facts) I think that everyone is aware of how bad tobacco use is for your health. What peopleRead MoreIndia s Ban On Tobacco Advertising849 Words   |  4 PagesIndia in 2001 proposed a ban on tobacco advertisement in an effort to curb tobacco use with adolescents. It was met with sharp criticism from the tobacco industry. However, some saw it as a great move by the government in looking after the welfare of its citizens. I hope to explore in the essay each side’s voice as well as deal with the myriad of issues the government faced upon the bans proposal. Lastly I will give my opinion on what position the government should take. One the main arguments forRead MoreBan The Tobacco Industry From Advertising812 Words   |  4 Pagesto ban the tobacco industry from advertising. These countries decided it was ethically in their best interest to establish these laws in attempts to curtail the youth from smoking, and to slow down the growing health crisis. Protecting the well-being of their citizens was their responsibility; that was the rationale that were explained to these citizens. Arguments have been made on each side of the spectrum if these bans are viable to the stated purpose. India is very popular for tobacco productionRead MoreBan Tobacco Advertising Is The Right Move909 Words   |  4 PagesIndia proposed a bill that would place a ban on tobacco ads to discourage the use of tobacco products among the teenagers. This decision gave rise to a huge debate about the ethical responsibility of the government on the use of tobacco products. In this analytical essay, the arguments of the proponents that are both in favor and opposed to the ban will be summarized, while discussing the conflict of interest that exists among the government and the tobacco companies. Lastly, final thoughts and opinionsRead MoreBan Tobacco Advertising Is The Right Move908 Words   |  4 PagesIndia proposed a bill that would place a ban on tobacco ads to discourage the use of tobacco products among the teenagers. This decision gave rise to a huge debate about the ethical responsibility of the government on the use of tobacco products. In this analytical essay, the arguments of the proponents that are both in favor and opposed to the ban will be summarized, while discussing the conflict of interest that exists among the government and the tobacco companies. Lastly, final thoughts and opinions

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